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[2021-02-27 21:58:51] 来源: 编辑:wangjia 点击量:
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?????????????? 3??4??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????







????On March 1?? 2019?? a Notice of Civil Claim was filed in the British Columbia Supreme Court on behalf of Wanzhou Meng against members of the Canada Border Services Agency?? the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Government of Canada alleging serious breaches of her constitutional rights and seeking damages for misfeasance in public office and false imprisonment based on alleged multiple failures of those Canadian government officials to comply with the rule of law upon her detention?? search?? and interrogation at Vancouver International Airport on December 1?? 2018.

????As the claim speaks for itself and the matter is now before the Courts?? no further comments are necessary or appropriate at this time.

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????????????????????????010-85650899 ??????010-85650844 ??????
