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华为:否认犯被指控违罪名 不知晓孟有任何不当行为 -科技频道-金鱼财经网

[2021-02-27 19:59:09] 来源: 编辑:wangjia 点击量:
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导读: 华为回应:我们对美国政府今天针对华为提出的指控感到非常失望。孟女士被捕之后,华为试图与司法部就纽约东区的调查进行讨论,但被拒绝且没有给出任何理由。华盛顿西区法院关于华为商业秘密案件的相关民事诉讼早已




Huawei is disappointed to learn of the charges brought against the company today. After Ms. Meng’s arrest, the Company sought an opportunity to discuss the Eastern District of New York investigation with the Justice Department, but the request was rejected without explanation. The allegations in the Western District of Washington trade secret indictment were already the subject of a civil suit that was settled by the parties after a Seattle jury found neither damages nor willful and malicious conduct on the trade secret claim.

The Company denies that it or its subsidiary or affiliate have committed any of the asserted violations of U.S. law set forth in each of the indictments, is not aware of any wrongdoing by Ms. Meng, and believes the U.S. courts will ultimately reach the same conclusion.

