库币 | DAPPT, MXW, META, 充提服务,ETC充值服务现已开放
亲爱的库币用户, 下列币种的充值和提现服务现已开放。 Dapp Token (DAPPT) Maxonrow (MXW) Metadium (META) DAPPT Token SWAP后的新合约地址 。 下列币种的充值服务现已开放。 Ethereum Classic (ETC) 请注意
Dear BitForex users,
The scheduled Sport Trading system upgrade and maintenance today (October 22nd, 2020) at 09:00 (GMT+8) is now completed.
Spot Trading System Upgrade and Maintenance NoticeThank you for your patience and support during the upgrade again.
If you have any further questions, please contact our customer service.
BitForex Team
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